Monday, May 30, 2011

The Sathers!

Oh, my goodness. This was SO fun. I seriously love this gig! I have known Erik and Shelley since my middle school days at church youth group, actually before they were even "The Sathers" :) It was such a treat to spend some time with them laughing and catching up, while capturing a bit of fun they have together as a family! Clearly, they don't enjoy each other at all... hahahaha... Love you guys, thanks for the privilege of being your photographer for an afternoon! 

Friday, May 27, 2011

CGC Fundraiser Mini Sessions

Here's just a mini post from the two families that took part in Saturday's mini fundraiser sessions benefitting Common Ground Church's Brazil trip! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Elliott Family

To be honest, I was more than a little bummed two weeks ago when the cold windy rainy weather necessitated the cancelation of our Saturday morning shoot, I mean, we had been praying for no rain...  a little gray or cloudy I'm ok with- even a few sprinkles (Stay tuned for pics of todays fun shoot with the Sather family!) But did it really have to be that horrible? Cold, rainy and windy? In May? Well, the time that worked to reschedule our session just happened to be Thursday evening with gorgeous light on a clear, warm day! We were so thankful :) Perhaps too "deep" for a photography blog, but it stuck me as an example of how God can create something beautiful out of something "rainy." If you have ever lived that, you know its nice to have a tangible example every now and then, yes? I had a great time capturing just a little glimpse of the love this family has for each other on such a fantastic evening! Thanks Zach, Cammie, Bella, Holland, and baby Elliott!